Women purchase 85% of all branded products.

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Women purchase 85% of all branded products. 

Do you know what that means? 

NO - it doesn't mean that we are superficial spendthrifts that just want to spend all our time mindlessly shopping.

It means that we have power!

We have the power to choose which companies we support with our investments (yes, each purchase we make is an investment in the companies that created and sell it).

So where are you investing your money?

Does it line up with your ethos in other areas?

Never thought about this before?

I know I'm not perfect in my purchasing habits and I support a lot of companies that I would probably fight to shut down if I really looked into it.

I know we can't do everything, but maybe we can do a bit more than we are.

And you know what...maybe it can be fun as well! 

Conscious shopping = conscious investing.

Step by step we can make a difference with our purchasing power!

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