It's time to stop advocating for your limits

I remember looking at other women in amazement
Why couldn't I be that confident?
Why wasn't I that successful?
Why couldn't I look that good?
What was wrong with me?
But what if those women weren't born confident and successful?
What if those women were born just like me?
And what if they had all kinds of crazy issues and they were just hiding it and pretending they had it all together?
What if we weren't meant to be perfect?
And with that mindset shift --> the limits I placed on myself began to drop away <--
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It's a new way of upgrading your brain
A new way of upgrading your consciousness
And to get there I've created a new way of life coaching
Welcome to a new way of doing life.
You are already fucking fabulous..but what if you could upgrade your brain and stop limiting yourself?
What if you could be even more fabulous without the pressure of being perfect or being like anyone else?!

This is where I come in.
I've got a new way of life coaching that is going to upgrade your brain so that people look at you and think, who is that fabulous creature and how do I get me some of that.
So how does that happen?
By diving deep into your brain, my friend.
Have you ever met someone that can take one look at a machine and they immediately know what to do to get running at an optimum level?
That's me, my friend, and the machine is your brain.
I know you are doing awesome in most areas of life right. I mean right now you are safe, secure and mostly comfortable. But you know there's more...right? Like that exciting little tingle pops up that makes you think but what if...
What if you did whatever the fuck you wanted?
What if you said "fuck no" next time someone asks you to do that horrible thing you hate doing?
What if you didn't worry about what other people thought about your choices?
What if you didn't have crazy drama taking up all your focus?
What if you were confident in your body?
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you were ready to put yourself first...
How much more time could you spend reading your favorite books?
How much more time play time would you have with your pet?
How much more capacity would you have for growth and evolution?
you weren't holding yourself back...
How much more money would you make?
How much more would you enjoy your food?
How much more would you enjoy meeting friends?
you were confident in your body...
How much more would you enjoy life?
How much more fun would you have?
How much more free would your life be?
How much time would you save?
This is NOT one and done.
I'm not going to promise that after these 3 months together you are fixed and will never struggle with limiting beliefs again.
My friend, this is the work of a lifetime.
We have been conditioned by the patriarchy and by puritanical and evangelical religious indoctrination to strive for perfection and to consider ourselves not good enough until we get to acknowledgement from some outside person or being.
You will not remove generations of patriarchal conditioning in 3 months.
This is simply a part of your evolution and growth over a lifetime.
These next 3 months will be a magnificent part of your journey to deconstruct the shit that you've been told is true about yourself so that you can start to shed the next layers of limiting beliefs and become more confident in yourself.
As you become more confident you will become more aware of further areas that are holding you back. Your eyes will be opened. The things that make you feel not good enough and not pretty enough and not whatever enough will come to the surface so that you can eliminate them one at a time.
And I'll be there with you - step by step the entire way to make sure you are supported and give you the space to make the conscious decision of how you want to live your life going forward.
I can help show you your mind. I can help point out the choices where you have been conditioned to believe there were none. Show you the options where you thought there were only limits.
I am here to help you open up to being limitless.
It all works with simplicity and flow and NO uber long Zoom calls.
(I mean I struggle to sit still for 10 minutes let alone 2 hours and we are working towards giving you freedom not tying you down).
Remember this is a whole new way of doing things so that you can get brand new results!
- We start with a private call where I will teach you an elegant model that will allow you to reach further into your mind. This model will change your life and be the basis of our work together.
- To deepen your practice you will have 90 days of special access to me via Voxer. This will give you an extra set of eyes on everything your mind downloads. I'll be there to take your models to the next level by asking the right questions so that you gain clarity and a deeper resonance with your intuition. This is intimate daily access to a soul sister that can see and recognize your truth.
- Access to select programs and courses that I believe will support your personal journey.
This is life coaching at its finest so no topic is off-limits.
The topics I see my clients get the most impact and growth from are:
- Body Confidence
- Wealth Mindset
- Creating Boundaries & Saying "NO"
- Building Drama Free Relationships
But honestly, the model I share with you and that I'm trained in is able to cope with ANY topic...our conversations are limitless
Why Work With Me?
Hello super star, I see you.
You are successful. You are radiant. Yet you still have doubts about yourself.
I am your soul sister in this journey and I know it's time to stop holding yourself back.
Success surrounds you. It comes easily to you. What you put your mind to materializes. And it's always been that way. was a breeze
Then the best jobs were calling you
And your business(es) grew with so much fun and passion
And it gets kind of boring... that's right... I said it out loud. It's boring being awesome all the time so you sabotage it and question yourself.
And it's lonely. So you hold yourself back to keep from being too much for the people around you. You let them pull you into their drama.
But this is your time to shine. To indulge and enjoy all the pleasures of life and to embody the space you belong in.
You are ready to go from above average awesome and become limitless.
I remember looking around and wondering what was next and feeling overwhelmed by the possibilities. I truly could do anything but who was I to actually do it?!
Are you?
Sometimes we reach our destiny in a whole new way.
A new way of being
A new way of doing
A new way of having
All it takes is knowing your mind.
And that is a luxury.
The space to go deep into it.
A model to help you interpret it.
The container to help you illuminate it.
A fellow traveller that recognizes your full potential and mirrors it back to you.
Lets take this journey together. In luxury and in abundance, enjoying the pleasures of life while you quantum leap toward your limitless destiny.
I can help you to see the inner workings of your mind, to clear away the doubt, the overwhelm, the feelings of hurry and the fears of not being good enough.
When you change the world changes with you.
Let's travel this road together.
The Application
A note on this mentorship: This is a luxurious and truly intimate experience for us both and therefore is by application only. We need to be a true energetic and vibrational match to get the most from this journey. I want to make sure that I can truly connect to your mind so I can share with clarity.
This application is for those who know they want to be inside of this mentorship program and are eager to get started. Jacquie doesn’t do sales calls. She will reach out to you with next steps to get started. If you are not ready and certain about this program please do not apply.
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