There are so many training courses teaching you how to make more money.

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There are so many training courses teaching you how to make more money. 

To build a bigger business... 

To get to 6 figures, or 7 figures or 8 figures.

Step by step by step...

But what happens after you follow all the steps and build the business of your dreams?

What happens when you have the wealth that you've been looking for?

When all the bills are paid and you have your dream house? 

No one teaches you what to do after that...

In fact, I don't remember anyone teaching me how to manage money and invest my wealth. 

I vaguely remember learning how to balance a checkbook ( I that old?)

Most people I speak with about investing are thinking they need to find a way to invest in stocks and shares.

They want to plunk down their money with an "expert" that will put it in the "right stocks" and then just sit back and relax.

And then they might look at their statement once a year and think...gee...must've been a tough year for the market I only made like 4%...oh wait...that's before the broker looks like I'm lucky to have broken even.

And then away you go because that's just the average earnings in the stock market.

But honey, you are not average. I'm not average. None of us needs to be average.

We don't all need to invest in the same way. We aren't all investing with the same goals in mind.

I love to invest with a focus on sustainability and the environment.

This means I want to avoid investing in big oil or chemical companies...that's pretty hard to do when you just stick your money in a generic fund based on what the average person of your age and risk level invest in.

I also believe you can have fun when you invest! *cue the shock and horror*

You can have fun, make a difference, and create safety and security for your family.

It's all possible if you set the stage properly. Actually, I call it building the bridge :)

So no matter what your life goals, impact goals and wealth goals are - there is a path for you to harness your wealth take control of your investments.

Stop letting some (normally a man) in a bank tell you what you should do with your money.

Let's use it to change the world, have fun, and make a great return on investment along the way!

Send me a message if you are ready to think outside the box and build your own bespoke investment journey.

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