There are a lot of things we get wrong about wealth in our society.

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There are a lot of things we get wrong about wealth in our society.

The most harmful one?

The idea that wealth and societal change are mutually exclusive.

The lie that wealthy people can’t advocate for social change and aren’t concerned about poverty and hunger and climate change.

That we retreat into our money and let other people handle messy issues.

Do some wealthy people do that?

Of course.

Some not-so-wealthy people do the same.

If you're a decent human being as a poor college student, you’re bound to be a decent human being as a millionaire.

Wealth gives us the power to effect incredible change.

Wealth allows us to be spontaneous and free in our giving, but also purposeful and direct with the causes we support.

Your wealth can change the world.

Are you answering the call?

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