Sometimes I feel like I've tried all the things.

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Sometimes I feel like I've tried all the things. 

I've started a number of different businesses. 

Some worked like gangbusters and some didn't.

I've taken a ton of training courses. 

Some I finished and some I didn't. 

I've made a lot of different investments.

Some gave me a great return and others flopped.

Like that one time (well actually, two separate times) that I invested in Ponzi schemes.

I know right?! Those still exist?! 

They do - and I found two of them that went bust at the same time and cost me around £200k!

Wow was that a lesson learned.

I could have let that stop me from moving forward.

Instead, I just paused and looked for the lesson.

And I learned from it so that my next investments would be better. 

That's not to say they are all perfect.
But the more I try, then the more I learn and the better I get. 

It's ok to say "no" and walk away. 

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