My dog has been behaving like an ass hole lately.

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My dog has been behaving like an ass hole lately.

And I have been getting annoyed, my husband has been getting annoyed.

It's been intense.

So I spoke to the dog trainer and was like WTF - I bought a trained dog…he's supposed to just behave awesome all the time.

Not be all whiney and crying.

And then he asked me how much time I was spending with my dog…and I realized - he is whining and crying every time I go near him because he misses me and wants to hang out with me.

Because I've been spending too much time doing all the things, finding the perfect solution to every issue that comes up, managing all the business tasks, my team, trying to figure out a new funnel, a new programme, build a farm, manage lock down and holidays and ALL THE THINGS and my dog was the one paying the price.

So since then, I've stepped back to remember that it's all supposed to be fun and easy.

It is totally possible for business and life to be fun and easy and to still make a lot of money.

Even though we've been brainwashed to think we have to work hard (no pain, no gain right?!) that is totally false.

And it's time to stop following the crowd, step out, step up and be awesome
and have a lot of doggy cuddles as well!

**Are you not spending enough time with your furry friends because you are hustling too hard?! Want to make more money while working less. Send me a message and let's chat about how I can help.

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