Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and a little out of whack with all that’s going on right now

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Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and a little out of whack with all that’s going on right now.

Should you keep calm and carry on?

Or should you join the crowds and join the chaos?

I don’t have all the answers, honestly! I’m not sure anyone does

But I want you to know that I’m here and I’m riding this with you.

In the last few days, I’ve been speaking with many female entrepreneurs and investors.

Here are my top takeaways that I hope will help you navigate this time

1. There are always investment opportunities, even in chaos (actually...sometimes even more during the crazy times)

2. You can always trust your gut and your instinct, don't just jump into something because everyone else is.

3. Step up as a leader and share how you make your impact on the world to inspire others that it is possible

4. Spend some time taking care of yourself. If you aren't safe and comfortable you can't help anyone else feel that way either!

How are you handling business as we deal with this crisis? Let me know in the comments or send me a DM.

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