It’s not a huge secret that the finance world is dominated by men.

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It’s not a huge secret that the finance world is dominated by men.

I knew that going into the profession as a brand new accountant.

I had experienced the gender disparity in my university classes.

I thought I was braced for it.

And for the most part, I was.

But good lord, is there a massive Boy’s Club Mentality in the finance world!!

Even today, in 2020.

It blows my mind to think about how many smart, wealthy women have been condescended to in meetings with finance professionals.

How many of us have essentially been given a pat on the head after one of those meetings—or worse yet, been asked to return later with a husband or other male “decision-maker.” 🤮

Pardon my emoji expletives, but…


I’m ready to destroy the Boy’s Club Mentality once and for all. Who’s with me? 💪

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