I used to be an accountant working for the biggest global accounting firm.

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I used to be an accountant working for the biggest global accounting firm.
It was a requirement for me to wear a suit to work everyday.
This has led me to equate talking about finance with being super serious and looking uber professional.
So I struggle when I record these videos from my farm. I get an amazing idea and want to share it but usually, I'm just wearing a hoodie and looking a bit of a mess after hanging out with all my fuzzy friends.
So how can I be taken seriously looking like that?
And then I hold myself back...I don't share my story and the amazing tidbit I have for you because I want to wait until I look better to do it.
And then I get in my office and I forgot all about what I wanted to share and have nothing to say when I'm all "professional" looking and feel stiff.
My goal for the last part of 2020 is to learn to get over myself and be authentically me - the messy farmer, entrepreneur, and powerful woman that I am - no matter what I am wearing.

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