How many of you started out your careers on the “safe” path?

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How many of you started out your careers on the “safe” path? 🙋

Most of us don’t become wild-eyed, bold entrepreneurs right off the bat.

I started safe, and just like you, I had a lot of side-eyes and naysayers to contend with as I found my entrepreneurial footing.

To be fair to those naysayers (hi, Aunt Mary 👋), it does sound a little nutty when I break down my professional journey:

Accountant ➡️
Freelancer ➡️
Property investor ➡️
Coach ➡️
Mentor ➡️

Women’s wealth strategist, with a wee bit of farming on the side 🐔🐔🐔

At first, I did the thing where I listened to other people’s advice about what I should do, how I should dress, what my hair should look like for that interview, and it DID NOT go well.

When I started listening to my intuition and leaning into my authentic self, I found wild, seven-figure success.

And that, my friend, is NOT a coincidence.

What’s your journey, and what’s holding you back from taking a wild next step? ⤵️

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