Everyone has an agenda.

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Everyone has an agenda.

It’s one of those world-weary life lessons you learn as you become an adult and gain more “real world” experience.

It can turn the most optimistic among us into hardened skeptics—or, it can spur us on to make decisions for ourselves and no one else.

👉 That financial advisor? Yeah, he’s recommending this investment because he gets a sweet kickback.
👉 That real estate agent? He’s pushing that property because he wants a fat commission to finance his next family vacation.
👉 Your friend’s brother’s cousin with the hot stock tip? Who knows what his agenda is—but trust me, you can ignore him. 💁

Ignore it all - start with YOU first.

What do YOU want from your money?

What are YOUR needs and desires?

Begin there, and the rest will follow.

My passion is to help women like you gain financial clarity, claim independence, and take charge of your wealth.

Reach out when you’re ready → https://go.thejacquieedwards.com/schedule

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