EPISODE 019: Why I Don't Think Charity is the Best Way to Make an Impact


In this episode, I want to share with you some alternative ways that you can make a difference aside from charitable donations alone. I want to talk to you about social entrepreneurship. While charities are, of course, amazing resources for you to contribute to, I want to remind you that there are other ways that you can make a long-lasting difference in the world. It’s important to not only think about what we can do to solve a problem that’s currently happening in the world or in our community but also to focus on what we can do to help eliminate the problem altogether and stay eliminated so that the need for a charity doesn’t exist in the first place. So how can you get involved on a deeper level that goes beyond simply making a donation? How do you create a legacy that will contribute to long-term, sustainable change? I’m telling you how today! 

In this episode we discuss:
  • What is the definition of a charity?
  • What is the purpose of a charity?
  • How charities are affected by an economic recession
  • What impacts long term vs. short term change
  • Social entrepreneurship as an alternative
  • Making a donation vs. making an investment

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