EPISODE 017: Why You Need to Make New Friends as Your Wealth Grows


 As wealthy and powerful women, sometimes things can get complicated when it comes to our friendships. As things in your life start to change, like your environment and your finances, it’s only natural that as a result your friendships might start to change as well. And that is okay! It’s normal for people to change, develop, and grow apart. It doesn’t mean that we did anything wrong or that we have to stop caring about anyone, and it doesn’t mean that we feel like we’re better than anyone. This changing of friendships and relationships with others is often more difficult for women to navigate than it is for men, but it doesn’t have to be. I want you to question the pressure that you feel and where it’s coming from. Who or what is placing these expectations on you. What expectations are you placing on others? If you’ve been struggling with certain friend groups recently or noticing that changes are starting to happen and you’re unsure of how to feel about it, then make sure you don’t miss this episode! 
In this episode we discuss:
  • Holding ourselves back so that our friends don’t feel left behind
  • Friendships don’t have a manual
  • Having different friend groups from different aspects of life (childhood, university, business, etc.)
  • How our friendships shape who we are
  • How to recognize when a friendship becomes negative or toxic

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