EPISODE 012: How the Patriarchy Hurts Men


Today we are switching things up a little bit! On this podcast we talk about inequality and societal expectations as it pertains to women. After all, our mission is to teach women how to create more power and more wealth for themselves, as this is something that we often struggle to accomplish in today’s world. But as we work towards equal rights, breaking down barriers, and defying those rules that society has enforced for generations, I want to take this episode to remind you that it is important to recognize that true equality means that we defy the rules put in place for men as well. The expectations placed upon the men and boys in our lives are not always fair ones either. At the end of the day, we are all human beings, and we have more in common than we sometimes think!
In this episode we discuss:
  • How men are held back in today’s patriarchal society as well as women
  • How the similarities between men and women go against societal rules
  • What we should be teaching young men in our communities
  • How this will benefit our society, our communities, and the world going forward

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