EPISODE 010: Aligning Your Brand to Help Manage Your Wealth with Dr. Natalia Wiechowski


Today we are joined by branding strategist Dr. Natalia Wiechowski. We hear all the time how important it is to develop and stick to our brand, after all this is how we introduce ourselves to the world and explain who we are and what we do. The more authentic our brand is to who we are, the more likely we will attract our dream clients. So what goes into developing a powerful brand that stands out? What are strategies we can take to make sure we are staying authentic and consistent? Natalia shares her experience and insight with us today on steps we can implement to take our brand to the next level and transform our business!
In this episode we discuss:
  • How to use LinkedIn to market yourself and your brand
  • Key points to include in your biography 
  • The changing definition of what is considered “professional”
  • How to go through the process of changing our brand
  • Tips and recommendations for women who are looking to build their wealth
  • Asking for help as a sign of strength rather than weakness
  • The power of having a choice

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