EPISODE 009: I Don't Want People to Think... I'm a Sell Out


Welcome to the final installment of our “I don’t want people to think…” series! I hope this series has been helpful for you in changing your mindset around some of the fears that we allow to hold us back from being open about and talking about our wealth and our power. As this segment concludes, the final topic I want us to discuss regarding thoughts we don’t want people to have about us is the fear of people thinking we are a sellout. This is a term that I am sure you are not unfamiliar with. You may have even thought this about someone else at some point in time, whether about a celebrity, public figure or someone you know. So why do we look at “selling out” as something negative, and how can we prevent the stigma around it from holding us back? Check out today’s episode and I will tell you!
In this episode we discuss:
  • Projecting our own fears and judgments onto others
  • What it means to “sell out” as it relates to your mission and circle of impact
  • Belonging to certain groups while not conforming to their societal “norms” or “standards”
  • More wealth and more power can actually strengthen your integrity, not compromise it 
  • The feminine version of power vs. the masculine version of power (a power “with” and a power “to” rather than a power “over”) 
  • Growing our human consciousness 

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