EPISODE 007: I Don't Want People to Think... I'm a Bitch


In this episode we discuss:

Why is it that we as women often feel inclined to judge other women we see who are comfortable and confident in their own power? Have you ever noticed that this tends to be something that we admire about men, yet judge about women? What if instead, we admired and encouraged and praised women for speaking their mind the same way that we do for men? Maybe we’re worried that if we encourage other women, that means we’ll get left behind. Maybe we’re worried that if we are strong and confident and unapologetically ourselves, men might be intimidated or find us less desirable. Or maybe we ourselves are just slightly envious of those women! No matter the reason, I’m here today to tell you why all of it is absolutely unnecessary and how to combat those fears!

In this episode we discuss: 
  • What it is that’s holding us back from owning who we are
  • In order to change the thoughts of others, we need to first change our own
  • Why we as women are so quick to tear each other down
  • What will happen once we work together and support each other

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