EPISODE 005: I Don't Want People to Think... A series About Owning Your Wealth


 For centuries, society has taught women that in order for us to be accepted, respected, and valued, we must look and behave a certain way. Over recent years we have begun the movement of reclaiming our power and living our truth unapologetically, despite what others think about us, but we still have a ways to go. One of the ways we can start to work together to make progress is by focusing on the stigma around our wealth as women. That’s why I’ve started this series. If you’re someone who struggles withholding parts of yourself back because you’re worried what others will think of you, then this series is for you! 
In this episode we discuss:
  • How men and women are taught different things about money
  • Beliefs about successful, wealthy working women
  • How we understand our wealth and our power is how we use it
  • The first step towards change is with our own beliefs

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