EPISODE 003: You Don't Have To Stop Spending Money

 Today I want you to think about what your mindset is around spending money. Are you able to spend your money on things for pleasure without feeling guilty? Is it easier for you to spend your money on others than it is for yourself? If you are able to spend money on yourself without feeling apologetic, how often does it happen? Does it make you feel liberated like you have reclaimed some of your power? These are some of the ideas that we are exploring today. 
In this episode we discuss:
  • The idea that in order to grow your wealth you need to save more and spend less is wrong! (Hear me out on this one.)
  • It’s okay to want things or to have things that we don’t need
  • Having an abundance mindset rather than a scarcity one 
  • Recognizing the difference between “I don’t want” and “I can’t have”
  • Why it’s important to focus your buying power on ethical companies

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