EPISODE 002: Wealth is Power and Women Need More of Both


How do we start the process of unlearning something that has been ingrained into our society and in our communities for generations? Is our journey meant to be about accepting that “this is just the way things are and how they have always been”? I don’t think so. I believe that change can happen right here, right now, with you and me. If we start to shift that paradigm of how we view power and wealth as masculine ideas and start to view them as something that can easily be acquired and shared by us as women, then those around us will begin to see it that way as well, and this can lead to change on a much larger scale. If you are listening to today’s episode, that means you have already taken the first step!

In this episode we discuss:

  • Why we are afraid to talk about money
  • Lessons that we may be passing on to our daughters without even realizing it
  • Why a powerful man is seen as successful, but a powerful woman is seen as bossy
  • The system of masculine power hasn’t been working
  • How we can start creating change by changing our mindset

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