Don’t understand it? Don’t invest in it.

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Don’t understand it? Don’t invest in it.

Sounds like a simple rule, but I see it happen so often.

Especially with women.

Maybe it’s a lack of confidence, maybe it’s a bit of fear-based FOMO.

A lot of it is definitely the societally ingrained belief that women just don’t know money stuff, so we’d better listen to the “experts” out there.

Bottom line?

No one will ever look out for your goals better than you.

YOU need to be the one in control of your finances.

Do you need to be an expert on all things finance?

Absolutely not.

But you DO need to be clear on what your goals are, what interests you, and what will help you make the most impact with your business and your life.

Need help getting clear on your goals?

Book a free call with me today →

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