I see the word empower (or variations of it) everywhere.

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I see the word empower (or variations of it) everywhere.
We all want to empower one another to be braver, more confident, more powerful, more something...
What if I said I think that's crap?
To empower means "to give power to someone"
I don't believe anyone needs power given to them.
We all have the power within us.
I work with women who feel powerless around money.
They feel like they are going to mess it all up. Like they don't know what to do with it and they aren't good enough to manage the wealth that they have.
I do not empower those women.
They already have the power and they are enough just as they are.
I help them to understand their minds, to find the thoughts that they have that are keeping them from moving forward.
I help them to find the ways that they are handing over their power to other people and help them take back control.
To feel confident around their investment decisions and to make investing fun (because for most of us...investing in stocks isn't super exciting...)
I believe that if we focus on empowering people - then they come to rely on us for that power.
I know that you have all the power you need...sometimes you just need a little help to harness it!
If you are ready to step into your power and create your legacy - send me a message and let's chat!💬✍🏻👩‍💻🙌🏻🤑🌎💯✨

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