When you wanted to learn how to make more money, what did you do?

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When you wanted to learn how to make more money, what did you do? You definitely didn’t try to learn from 14-year-olds or lifelong employees. Nope--you learned from people who walked the same path as you and people who got to the place you want to go.
But right now, the circles of people around you don’t exactly fit. The people in your business circles don’t quite understand your desire to make a difference, and you may not feel comfortable chatting about investments with them. Your family and friends, even though you love them, are definitely not people you can talk to about investing. They would just look at you differently if they really knew your finances.
Well, welcome to my world and my community. I know exactly how it feels to not know where to invest my wealth as a woman. I didn’t know who to trust, how to make this decision, and how to get confidence in my finances and my decision-making power! You are so not alone--you just need the right people around you.

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