Let’s talk about spending money.

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Let’s talk about spending money.

This won’t be what you’re used to hearing. You won’t get this advice from wealth advisors and money coaches.

You’re allowed to spend money to make life easier.


As women, we’re compelled to be nurturers.

To be caring.

And we believe should spend our own money and time FOR OTHERS.

This isn’t true. 🤯

You’re allowed to spend your money any way you choose—as long as it’s aligned with your goals and needs.

You’re allowed to hire someone to

✅ Help with the household chores.
✅ Watch your children after school.
✅ Take care of the garden.

You don’t need to ask permission.

I have more financial tips I want to share on my new YouTube channel, The Women Power Wealth Show.

Subscribe so you can tune into all of my episodes: http://wpw.show/subscribe

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